Friday, January 2, 2009

Retro Christmas Toys? My retro husband, Pastor Chad Everson, put our kids back on the island!

We have Tivo in the Everson household - a wonderful modern invention that allows your family to be incredibly RETRO! Our boys watch only what we Tivo for them and we have them hooked on all the old shows! This year for Christmas, The Eversons went BACK TO THE ISLAND! When asked what they wanted for Christmas - they said the usual, the video games, the legos,etc....but #1 on their list, they want to know how Gilligan gets off the island! Imagine their disappointment when they opened lego set after lego set, but no video of the return from Gilligan's Island!

We had to search Ebay and Google to find it, but on the way to Mississippi our boys will be glued to the dvd player in the van (another modern but wonderful invention!) as they finally find out how Gilligan, Ginger, Marianne, the Professor and all the rest get home from the Island!

Hope your Christmas was wonderful and here's looking at a 2009 full of possibilities!

Michele Everson, Proud wife of Pastor Chad Everson and
Proud Mama to two retro kids!